Not good enough

Anyone feeling like they weren’t built for this?
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Hey lovely. Is this your first? As the transition into motherhood with number 1 is bloody hard, nothing can prepare you! However, in your baby’s eyes you absolutely were built for this, to them you are perfect even if you feel like sh*t right now. You are learning together and whilst it doesn’t help you in the newborn trenches, I promise that each month does get easier. Please feel free to msg if I can help or if you would like to chat anything out x

I have had many waves of feeling like this but it truly does pass. It’s so hard and you might feel like that but I promise you it’s not true. This too shall pass, you will feel better before you know it. Everything is just a season and it doesn’t take long to end up feeling better 🖤

I just used to think I was maternal, had a way with babies and kids. My LO is a baby ticking time bomb for screams. I fear her when she’s awake! And today she can’t seem to get a nap longer than 20 mins.

This is the most relatable post I have come across today . My baby boy is 5 weeks and screams for hours would not settle . I absolutely love my baby but sometimes I question myself if I’m doing something wrong

@Monisha could it be colic? My firstborn was the same x

@Rebekah it’s very difficult to say but he is quite gassy .

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