Tips on teeth checking??

My LO is 7.5 months and no teeth through yet but seems like he's been teething forever! and I keep trying to check and look at his gums but he prizes his lips shut and/or sticks his tongue out so it's near impossible to ever get a good look at his gums. Any tips and tricks to get a peak at their teeth?!🥴
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I think teeth powder can help

I wash my hands throughly and then run a finger over his gums as my LO does the same x

Im in the same boat here I've tried putting a glass on his gums and he just licked it 😂 maybe when they are asleep?

We used a glass and that worked, also using your finger (clean) and touching to feel if they are breaking through!

I usually play a game with her where I "drop" her backwards gently to get a smile to look at the top of her mouth, then the bottom I've only had luck while she's crying 😅

Listen my girl started teething @3 months and her first four all came in with in a matter of 2 weeks starting the day before Christmas thankfully she wasn’t horrible through it

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