How many weeks are you? Second pregnancy and I don't think I'm getting any more scans
@Becky same here, unless midwife flags anything then I won't get any more scans! 😊
@Becky I’m 28 weeks. My midwife thought I was measuring slightly small so sent me for a scan but baby’s on track. If your midwife thinks your measuring small or big they will send you for a scan a few days later
@Becky ill be 32 weeks when I get the scan on Wednesday. It's cos I had a c section last time I think and probs cos my bmi high x
Had my growth scan Wednesday, all measurements are about 2 weeks ahead of where they should be but apparently the weight was within what they would expect so nothing further being done for me
@Zoe aww that's great news have you got another one booked in? I have one 32 weeks and 35 weeks x
32+1 on Thursday when I’m due to have mine and then another at 36+1 and 39wks
Had my growth scan today because baby was measuring small according to midwife but they are actually a good size lol