Toilet with our toddler

How is everyone cleaning up their toddler after a poop explosion. Firstly, is your child being potty trained, does he/ she know when they need to poop or pee? If they still in diaper, how do you clean up their poop. My daughter has some stubborn poop that gets stuck to her butt, so I either take her straight to the shower and wash her down, or the toilet.
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Yes we are toilet training, kiddo will tell us for poop but not pee We do pull ups, sometimes kiddo will poop in it if we are in the car or in the middle of something. We use wipes unless it’s extra messy then straight to the shower

Wipes, and if it's really stuck, I'd just take her to the sink.

@Ciara oh, how long did it take to train your kid? Do they tell you with words or a certain action?

@Angela wish my sink was big enough haha

We have a laundry sink that's deep. No way is my chonker fitting into a standard sink anymore.

@Imane I started right after bday by just taking set times a day or if I noticed signs of pooping I would say oh you need to poop and rush to the bathroom then say wow you pooped on the potty yay And celebrate Some days accidents still happen but for the most part will ask by saying poo poo or potty or by signing potty

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