I’ve been feeling like this recently, thought she’d be better at not throwing it everywhere by now but shes worse than ever 😫😫 feel like im constantly cleaning the high chair/floor
Yes! I hate this phase, thankfully we have a dog to help clean up 😆 they are learning about dropping things. I can’t remember when my eldest stopped doing it so much, I think once he could sit at his own little table and chair instead of the highchair he stopped doing it
I’ve found that only offering little bits at a time saves wastage! Also, when REALLY grumpy, I put Tractor Ted on to watch and he will literally clear plates of food!
BLW should make your life easier, not harder, as you can serve them what you're having 🥰 Don't feel bad if you want to use jars and pouches too, that's totally and completely ok! But yes lots of cleaning.. I hated it last time, and hate again this time. 🤣 x
We started with BLW too but it was just a nightmare, she now has solid snacks and things like toast and fruit and such but her main meals are now basically normal, just a little blitz in the blender and we give her preloaded spoons, and let her take them from really close to her mouth 😅 definitely minimises mess lol
Yeah I'm not loving the whole baby specific recipe thing. Such a lot of effort for her not to eat it. All she wants is what I'm eating anyway so I'm going to put the effort into doing that instead! That and puree/pouches are so much more convenient than carting around several different finger foods to try her with when out and about and less food waste.
So annoying so we do a mix of mashed on loaded spoons and finger food. I also rarely give a whole plate and just put little bits on the tray or hand it to him as I find if it’s all there it’s more likely to end up on the floor. The bibado bibs are handy too - most of the mess is scooped up in that, shaken out in the bin and chucked in the washing machine for it to do the hard work
I honestly think feeding has been the worst part of motherhood for me so far. All the cooking and cleaning. The mental load of deciding what they eat to make sure they get enough nutrients, then it doesn’t even matter because they barely eat it. I have really not enjoyed it at all 😳
I do a bit of BLW and purées. I only give my little one carrot sticks or cucumber sticks but other than that she has a meal and a fruity purée or some Weetabix with her milk