My daughter bites all of the time at the moment when she’s having a tantrum, if I’m stood up she aims for the back of my thighs which is just great!! 😂
Cool, thank you both. I was hoping it wasn't something I was doing wrong. I don't know how to discipline for that. What's proportionate to biting? I try to get her to take her anger via hitting etc out onto cushions/bed/couch instead but not much luck there, ignoring it doesn't help, validating emotions in tantrums doesn't help. I'm at a loss a bit
Mine bites sometimes, mainly when she’s having a paddy but sometimes when she’s feeling mischievous. It’s tough because I know the best way to deal with it is to stay calm but that’s not always easy if I’m having a tough day. I try to stay ‘I don’t like it when you bite, biting really hurts’ and move away. She is getting the message as she says to me ‘biting hurts’. She’s also bitten sometimes at nursery and they’re dealing with it the same way. They have a book there called ‘teeth are not for biting’ and I got a copy too, you could try that? Honestly, it’s so normal for this age but I get you, it’s horrid!
This is completely normal for every toddler. The only difference is how much the parents have to deal with it because the kids are at nursery or a child minder etc You also have to remember, every parents discipline is different behind closed doors. Some people smack their children and put fear into them. Others shout, some may take their favourite toys away etc.. I do know from experience that when kids are in nursery, parents find it easier to tolerate toddler behaviour. I have friends that cannot last a full week with their kids by their side 24x7.. They have to send them to their parents home for rest bite otherwise they start to loose their temper with them more frequent. Therefore, I believe this is completely normal. Every child is different. Every parent’s disciplines differently. We all always know what we would do until we have our own and face the same challenges.. lol