@Jen it’s so stressful isn’t it! I get jealous of other women who just get to enjoy their pregnancy because the idea of going into labour early wouldn’t even cross their mind! I’m terrified every day at the moment 😢 have you had a cervical stitch?x
@Lucy I know, everyday is like being in panic mode and you can’t enjoy the things everyone else gets to enjoy because you are living in a constant state of what if. I haven’t had the stitch, they are monitoring me at the moment and I’m on progesterone to try to help but they are going to keep measuring my cervix to see if I will need the stitch. I don’t think either option would give me any peace of mind though x
@Jen I’m also on progesterone but my cervix is still shortening, kinda hoping they do offer me the stitch for peace of mind!x
Sorry lovely, I can’t reassure you because I’ve not experienced it yet. I am 20 weeks with my second, my first was born at 32 weeks after my waters breaking at around 23 weeks. I attend the preterm clinic which brings a little bit of reassurance with the extra scans and checks but I’m in the same boat with being nervous for history repeating itself but I’ve found getting things prepared earlier is helping, having a hospital bag ready just incase and just talking about any fears and worries. Feel free to message me anytime, you aren’t alone!x