Absolutely. Better to the be safe then sorry for the sake of that poor child
@Jennifer I just did. They said I was the right choice so they can have a record of the incident and can continue to build a case if something is going on.
Good!!! Are they going to send someone out at all?
@Jennifer They sent someone. They called me back and said from what they saw they just thought they were not responsible parents but to keep making reports if I keep hearing questionable things.
@Talissa Thanks!
@Chelsea thanks, and yeah I was feeling guilty for not calling sooner!
Depending on where you live — corporal punishment may be allowed so spanking is okay as long as it’s not a clenched/closed fist. If the child is showing fear or crying and screaming that they are being hurt - call CPS!
Yes call now
Tbh I probably would. I was spanked as a kid when I did something bad. But screaming and spanking your kid because they aren’t going to sleep is something else.. that’s not okay for that little girl to be getting treated like that. I’ll say my son stays up later but that’s because his dad & I are more night owls, so that works for us and our family.