Potty training

What potty training tips and tricks are actually helpful? We’ve continued to struggle with making it in time and I’m getting overwhelmed that it’s not working yet.
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I used tattoos as a reward that helped a lot but also it’s about waiting whe they are ready so I’d take a step back if is overwhelming and try again in few days or weeks

We tried all the tips and tricks between stickers, prize box, different types of seats but honestly what worked was just taking him. Start with every 15 minutes for a couple days then every 30 minutes, then 45 and now we just go if it’s been a while. Be patient bc there will be accidents every once in a while but stick to it.

We struggled and went through 3 rounds of potty training before it finally stuck. I think what finally worked is we put her in underwear all day - no diapers or pull ups - so when she had an accident she really felt it. We also let her pick her own reward, she picked frosting with sprinkles on top lol. We kept it very encouraging and low stress for her - but for me as the parent it felt VERY stressful for about 3 days. We were on the potty constantly and she would sit there for 15 mins sometimes and still not go. We stuck with it though and it got easier and easier and now she’s gone a few weeks with no accidents and we don’t need the timers or anything she tells us when she needs to go or just goes in and does her business herself. So my advice is don’t give up when it gets hard, stick with it!

I left mine naked for 2 days and told her she has to run to the bathroom.. she got it right away. But you have to make sure kid is ready. I tried the first time when she was a little over a year but that was a fail bc she wasn’t ready. Then i tried last summer (she was 2 1/2) and we are diaper free ever since!

Underwear at home always works and they really love if it’s their favorite cartoon. I told my toddler you don’t want to mess up your bluey and that seemed to help

It is tough! We found success when we switched fully to undies except for night/nap time; kept a portable toddler potty in the play room so we could immediately plop her on it when she needed to go; reminded her to try to go potty if it had been awhile; got new books that she only was allowed to use while sitting on the potty to motivate her; got a sticker chart where she got a sticker for sitting on the potty and 5 and an m+m if she actually pooped or peed to also help with motivation.

Get out of the night time diaper asap when they wake up and either do undies or naked and stay consistent. No day time diapers at all, that’s what finally got mine! He still has an occasional accident but that’s normal

My baby is struggling to transition into underwear to potty train he keeps peeing or pooping in them when he already knows to use the toilet

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