I believe the midwifes can roughly tell by poking your stomach, but scan tells you in more detail where baby is positioned, if you're concerned speak to triage, I think it's silly that they don't scan in between, even the midwifes think they should x
Hi, I had my 28 week appt and they were able to feel my bump and tell me how baby was lay. I was sent for a scan to confirm, she is transverse/footling breach. They are able to tell from the way bump feels/heart beat etc. of course it’s an estimate but yeah they were bang on with me. X
Oh amazing thank you so much all! It will be interesting as I can’t work out which bit is bum or head but they always seem to be curled side to side at bottom low down! Didn’t realise they would feel belly and would be able to tell so that’s good to know thank you so much xx
At my 25 week appointment my midwife felt position of baby but didn’t say how they were laying so definitely going to ask next week at the 28 week appointment x
I remember when my first moved head down I felt it straight away and my bump dropped too noticeably. Also midwifes can feel how baby is lying as others have said
From the 28 week appointment, they should have a good feel of your stomach and this will help an indication as to how they are laying. X
My midwife said she couldn’t tell at 28 weeks. I’ve ended up having scans due to reduced movement so now know for the time being how baby is lying, but they can move up until about 36 weeks, so they don’t confirm breach, if that’s the case, until around then, they may then scan to confirm if they suspect baby is breach. If they don’t think baby is breach I don’t think you get any more scans. It doesn’t seem a lot of scans in the entire pregnancy!
Midwife will feel your bump and tell you what way baby is lying xx