Twin crying

Hello! Does anyone have any tips for managing the guilt of not being able to tend to both babies at the same time when they are screaming? Mine are so good and only really cry during nappy changes and if they're hungry but I feel so guilty every time I am feeding both and pausing to burp on then the other etc, they get hysterical having to wait. They are only seven weeks old so I am hoping it gets easier as they begin to be entertained by toys etc but any tips for managing the guilt and/or reducing crying whilst waiting would be amazing!
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I was anti dummy before twins and my first didn't have one but I found them a must with twins. Never used for sleep just for times like nappy changes or breastfeeding one when I couldn't tend to the other.

@Hannah thank you so much for your advice - we tried dummies and they worked briefly but now they both just spit them out in protest and scream louder and trying to make them take it just drags out the process of getting the job done, I wish they still worked 😥

No advice unfortunately - it’s was definitely the hardest part of those early weeks for me! All I can say is that it does get easier as (a) they get used to nappy changes and (b) they’re more interested in toys to distract them! You’ll tend to them as soon as you can, they’ll be okay if they cry for a couple of minutes ❤️ I found it helpful to remember that crying is literally their only form of communication - it’s not that they’re crying because it’s always an emergency! You’ve got this!!

No advice from me either. My twins are getting to the age of longer sleep windows and I can’t carry them around together and take care of a toddler. I have the same problem with the paci/dummy. They spit it out and keep crying. I might have to just buy the twin carrier so they can comfortably be strapped to me.

I found that stage hard too, so much crying 😥 luckily dummies worked for us for a bit longer but after 10 weeks they wouldn't take them so I just had to do whatever as quickly as possible and sometimes would put my loop ear buds in to reduce the noise for me so I'd stay calm. Once they became interested in toys or me talking it was much easier. Now I do demented singing the wheels on the bus during nappy changes and sometimes when single feeding might put dancing fruits on my phone for the twin in the queue to keep them quiet for a few mins as the feeds are now about 5 mins long compared to the huge 20-40 mins ones of the early days. They're 7.5 months now x

I found it as actually more helpful (emotionally) to have them slightly off schedule for the first few months. So whilst they’re both content start the change/feed/wind routine one after the other. At night I would anticipate their feeds via a feeding a schedule and wake one change/feed/wind/ soothe then the other. I put them on the same schedule from three months when I started to feed them on the feeding pillow together. Now 11 months and remain on the same schedule… most of the time!

Thank you so much for all your helpful advice, everyone. It's so, so nice to know it's not just me who's gone/is going through this xxx

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