Putting things in mouth??

I get so frustrated and feel like I can’t do any activities with my son since he just puts everything in his mouth. I try to set up crayons and paper, he just puts the crayons in his mouth (and chews on them) then rips up the paper and tries to eat it. Playdoh - straight in the mouth, most small toys, legos, puzzle pieces…in the mouth. How can I help teach him what’s appropriate to put in his mouth and what not? It is sometimes, but usually not a teething thing. We try to take him from him and say “no biting” or “no chewing” etc, he usually just throws a hissy fit until he gets distracted with something else. Then it’s mealtime and all the food ends up in the floor. 😭
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What is his age? Sounds like he's most likely just doing age appropriate behavior 😅 Babies/toddlers are learning A LOT and one of those things is what stuff tastes/feels like, so in the mouth it goes lol

Following because my son is doing exactly the same thing

@Stephanie 17 months. Ugh, I know it’s probably normal, just wish there was some solution. I hear about people doing like full activities with their kids this age and I’m like, how?! Even like, those felt boards to “decorate”, trying to set up fine motor skills activities with pipe cleaners, all these suggestions of what to do at this age, I don’t understand?!

Yeah, totally normal 😅😂 My daughter (17 months) LOVES to tear paper and then try to eat it lol Lots of redirecting and allowing them to do things in a safe way. So like, obviously I dont want my kid to eat paper, but if she needs to tear something, I'll supervise a paper tearing session. I tried to introduce markers like a week or so ago and she just wanted to draw on herself (non toxic washable!) So it was short lived but I let her experiment. I think its a mix of exposure and redirection/showing them it's fun/a game. 😅

Hang in there. One day it will just stop or decrease significantly. I still can’t really do activities with my son but now it’s because he likes to throw things, instead of put them in his mouth 🫣🥴

My 18 months will put every thing in his mouth he's goes around eating house hold stuff too toilet roll spongers, paper books he can't have anything I don't do messy play with him really as he don't understand 😑 so it hard coz I have a 3.5 year old who will chew certain things when he's stress or tired or feeling over whemled but yeah my 18 month is next level have to watch him every min of every day but Dr's think he had pakka as we think he's autistic same has his brother and older siblings on his dad side

Sounds like he’s just not ready for those types of activities yet! Which is totally okay. Maybe try some sensory stuff like “sand” made out of Cheerios where it’s totally edible and safe for him. And just give him time. What cities CAN he do successfully? Like even household stuff with you, sweeping, wiping stuff down, laundry. Just because they aren’t curated educational activities doesn’t mean they aren’t teaching him necessary skills and providing great outlets for his energy and curiosity.

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