There’s no need to give your baby purées at all (unless you want to!). You can start right away- just give baby whatever you’re eating for every meal and just modify it for choking hazards or spice/sodium level (ex: if you’re having a pb&j make her thin strips of toast with peanut butter and jelly on them, if you’re having spaghetti and meatballs make sure to cut up her meatballs until they resemble ground beef, etc) as mentioned above the “solid starts” app is really great because it shows you how to prepare each food to make it safe for your baby’s age. There’s lots of baby led weaning (blw) accounts on instagram that can be helpful too. At 6-9months I would really focus on letting baby feed themselves (even if it’s messy!) so consider just giving her a bowl of food and letting her go to town!
Remember babies can’t have honey (or some foods preserved in oil like jarred pesto or tapenade) before the age of 1 because of increased risk for botulism. There are also some foods that would he best to wait until she has teeth like chips/crackers. Pretty much everything else can be made safe with cutting/modifying the shape. I’ll leave you alone now! Sorry- I’m annoyingly passionate about this topic 😂
@Reagan no thank u that helps a lot I’ll try it I have been wanting to but didn’t know how to go about it
@Reagan will that also help baby sleep Thur the night?
You can start now! There’s a great app called Solid Starts and it’ll show you how to serve food to avoid choking and encourage baby to self-feed! Use the free version