My mum had to transfer last minute for her home birth with her second baby, but there’s loads of photos of her in the pool contracting, and little 2.5yr old me splashing about in the pool completely oblivious and not caring 😂 Toddlers don’t fully understand,so don’t worry about upsetting her too much, she can always have some time outside the room with your partner xx But like the above comment mentions, if you have to transfer make sure you do have some form of childcare plans in place x
Had a home birth 5 weeks ago and I have a 2.5 year old and no family nearby. She happened to be at preschool when I gave birth (before the midwives arrived, oops) but if she had of been home and awake I would have sent her out with my husband - I’m not massively into my husband (or anyone) being present when I’m giving birth, I just go into my own head and don’t want to talk or be touched. Are you very very keen on your husband being present? A friend of mine was and so she organised an emergency contact list of friends she could drop her toddler with at short notice 😃
Actually, I’m an idiot. Obviously my husband would want to be present at the birth of his child lol, sorry. The baby I have birth to five weeks ago was a surrogate baby (my friend’s baby) hence my husband didn’t need to be present. Lol, my brain isn’t working 🤣
We had friends on standby in case second didn’t come in the middle of the night, or we needed a transfer, and they were ready to swoop in any minute which they did :) doing the same for our boys this time
@Katie thats my ideal situation but in the grand scheme of things I’m never that lucky and I know I need a back up 😂! I have a cousin that live 5-10 mins away and I think she’s the best option
@Kitty 😂 yeah my other half wouldn’t be happy with me sending him off somewhere
@Geo Yeah I need a back up plan for sure & considering my cousin who lives close by 😊
My oldest slept through my second being (accidentally) born at home. Currently considering home birth for our third. Only thing I'd say is what would happen if you had to go into hospital for whatever reason? Would you be okay going without your partner? If not then having somewhere else there to care for your other child, or even on standby close by, might be a good idea