You aren’t the only one I’m going through this too I’m going crazy my baby’s not eating only wants to eat her puffs she screams randomly and is waking up way more at nite
Sounds like teeth coming in!
Between my daughter turning one cutting molars, the fits like we are a threenager, and eating constantly I’m going insane. We will get through it🫶🏻
Sounds like intense teething! Get the Wonder Weeks app to learn about the development going on around 12 months which has them seeing the world in a new way and feeling overwhelmed
@Sandi agree with both the teething and developmental stage. My little one’s a wreck when her teeth her which is often. I see a big difference with Tylenol. And then yeah she just gets easily overwhelmed in tons of ways. Honestly I’m using this stage to practice deep breaths when she’s freaking out sometimes. It doesn’t always help her (sometimes it does; and she’s able to soothe while watching me), but it’s really helped me not lose my cool 😂😂😂
Teething? My 13 month old just had 4 teeth come in back to back 😆🤦♀️
It's like my daughter turned one amd flipped a crazy switch. I'm so tired
My son went through this when he turned 1. It lasted about 2.5 weeks. Turns out he was getting all four molars.
My son has thrown a fit when he tired but he has too been doing throwing a fit when he doesn’t get his way I’m dude chill out. I say no that mean no. He does hit but we been teaching him soft.