Aw I so empathize with this. So many healthy meals on the floor or refused by my little too. It hurts my heart but I *try* not to take it personally. It is a tough age indeed. Sometimes (not often) I can pack up what’s not on the floor and offer it later and she’ll eat it, but rarely. She mostly eats fruit, cheeses, hot dogs, yogurt/applesauce pouches & occasionally some overnight oats with fruit. Mostly just a couple bites though before dumping it on the tray or floor. *hugs*
I give things a little at a time of different categories in the meals. If he's not eating something, try something else. As long as he eats something, I feel that counts And whatever he doesn't eat that isn't dropped on the floor.... Goes into a leftover container. Because he's actually a pretty good eater but once his seat tolerance is met , he's tired of being in the seat and will start dropping on purpose. At which point I remove the tray.... And unclip him out of his booster seat... And let him move to his little hearts co tent
Tip on floors, put down a cloth painters tarp to help save your flooring from liquidy spills by kid We have one underneath the dining bar that has his booster seat on it
He used to be pretty good with leftovers but now if I present something he did not like yesterday, he remembers lol and gets so mad. Even if it’s something he actually ate yesterday, no guarantees today. just the act of it touching his finger via him touching it 😳 will set him off. 🙃 coming from the kid who used to paint himself in yogurt. Now loses his mind if he gets unwanted sauce on his finger
@Kate omg, exactly what my son does. He would eat it the day before so I would give again the next day if we have leftovers but it would be a different reaction 🫠 good to know I’m not the only one experiencing this lol. I even brought it up to his pediatrician but he doesn’t seem too concerned and to just keep offering new things. He also suggested bringing our food out first before his.
🤣 I feel this lol. He doesn’t even try it anymore these days - my son just straight up picks it up and drops it on the side of his chair. Then proceeds to say “messsss” or scream because it’s not what he likes lol.