@Melissa Moss 22 weeks
@Larissa so yeah you are considered still early. I’m 32 weeks tomorrow and I’ve had people say oh you have a while💀
At my hospital, you're no longer considered early once you reach 18 weeks.. I wouldn't say you're still in the early stages at all but it could just depend on the trust that you're with. I would disregard the above comment
You're more than halfway through. I wouldn't consider you still early pregnancy either. My hospital wouldn't either I agree with @Chantelle
I think in my hospital they don’t see you in the proper triage department untill 27 weeks until then it’s early pregnancy unit x
16 weeks is when they've told me, for the 24h triage line
Triage says 32 weeks + when things like change in movements patterns etc. become a worry for them x
Maybe it depends on the hospital? In my hospital it’s 16 weeks. Before 16 weeks you go to the early pregnancy and after then it’s the actual maternity unit.
@Candise I never got told about early pregnancy unit u til I was almost 16w, my midwife essentially said either suck it up/I cant deal with it/go a&e like tf?? But thankfully all is good now
@Bailey that’s so strange. I’m high risk and was in the early pregnancy unit near enough every week before my 12 week scan the issues I was having had calmed down for a while so after that I didn’t have to go back (outwith normal scans) until about 22 weeks and then it was the maternity unit I was in for monitoring
At my hospital they see you once you are past 7 weeks! How is 20+ Weeks early you are half way…
@Candise they told me later on that they only give you the early number of youve had prev mcs...I have had 5 highly sus mcs (obstetrician basically confirmed that it defo sounded like I'd had multiple) but cause I didn't have chance to get a test before it happened she wouldn't let me, another midwife said the same thing after the fact, even though i needed to speak with them due to health problems I had b4 I got pregnant and what meds I can take but nope, just got told go GP who didn't do jack sht
At my hospital you go to L&D 20 weeks on, we had to go to the ER as I was having contractions at 21 weeks and they sent me to L&D instead of staying in the ER section for treatment. They may be saying early until viability at 24 weeks?
@Melissa Moss 😩😩
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@Chantelle It was just a general reaction to an issue I was having but it just caught me a little off guard 😅
Thank you all for your help!!
@Larissa I don't blame you babe, the amount of things I've heard in 6 months that have caught me off guard? Lol whew, hope you and baby are ok now though!
@Chantelle 🤣. We’re doing okay hun thank you for asking! X
Every trust if different, the early pregnancy unit saw me till 16 weeks and after that I was seeing triage/ maternity unit if I needed anything
Likely till viability
How far along are you?