
Is anyone's babies starting to crawl at 4 months? Mine is trying his hardest to but keeps rolling over😂any tips to teach him to? Please let me know as he is nearly 5 months. Thankyou x
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Put an item infront of him just out of reach so he has to move forward to get it. After a few attempts and he’s not moving, give him the toy so he doesn’t get too frustrated. Once he’s managed to do a small move, use a ball so when he touches it it moves away making him move again. Help him get into position to help build the muscles up. You crawl to show him what to do. Lay next time him to give him the encouragement rather than standing over him. But if he’s trying he will just do it so you don’t need to do too much. Mine was the same age and I did the toy thing with him for two days and nothing the next day he was across the room. No warning just gone. Totally shocked us. He maybe the same. Once they start moving it is so much more fun. 😊

Thankyou so much I've tried a few things with him but he gets so frustrated haha 😄 x

I wouldn't rush him he will do it in his own time and when he's ready x

Ohh i wouldn’t rush him into it .. when they start crawling it’s a nightmare 😅😅😅

Mine just started fully crawling like 2 weeks ago there 10 months today but they were trying around 7 -8 months ,they will start whenever there ready I can feel it my girls are starting to pull themselves up on stuff and standing for awhile we r trying to teach them to walk before there 1st birthday lol 😂 (I got twins😂💕)

Yes mine does he’s 3 months he started trying when he was 2 months

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