What are you doing to implement her making these milestones ?
Not shaming
@Cheey we sit her up constantly, talk, read, sing to her, we help her roll over.
Well they definitely will start doing things at their own pace. Try tummy time and putting something a little bit far from her reach that she will scoot for it.
My baby didn’t roll until she was pretty much bang on 8 months and I was worried she was behind however had seen someone else on here saying their baby was the same so I wasn’t too worried. She was sitting up independently 2 weeks later it’s like she got strong overnight 😅 I know the health visitors do a visit between 8-12 months so I would have brought it up at that visit if she still wasn’t doing it but I know some people mention it to their health visitor and their baby starts doing it right after 😂
Please done come for me with this question but does she watch baby tv? (I know it’s a sensitive subject across mum sites) xx
@Betty no she doesn’t. I have the tv on in the background but she doesn’t really pay attention to it unless theres music on an advert
I’m in the exact same boat , my baby is 8 months on the 11th, she can’t sit up unaided for longer than a few seconds no interest in crawling. Only mastered rolling both ways a week ago, keep worrying about it but also I know we shouldn’t compare babies ! But your not alone my LO is the same
@Betty what does this have to do with sitting up rolling and crawling?
Rolling is a milestone that they should acquire until the end of the 6th month. Not being able to do it doesn’t mean that there’s a problem, but it’s definitely a reason to get her checked. Sitting with no support is a milestone that they should acquire until the end of month 9 - so she is within the time frame.
@Ana my HV wasn’t concerned about her rolling, because she started rolling when she was 7 months, but obviously she’s stopped rolling now
I would get her checked by an osteopath. Rolling is a key milestone to them get to sitting by herself and crawling. It’s probably nothing, but it’s always good to be sure
My little boy was similar... we put everything down to "Ted time" as we call it. does everything at his own slow pace, cut tooth at 4 months, rolling at 8 months, sitting 2 weeks later, and crawling at 10 month, walking at 14 months. My friends boy the same age was crawling at 6 months and walking at 9, yet her son couldn't count where mine could count to 20 by the time he was 20 months ... what I'm saying is they do everything at their own pace. My little girl wasn't rolling, we then had a sh***er of a sleep deprivation over Christmas, in the space of a week she was rolling, cut 1st tooth, then sitting then babbling baba and dada sounds at 6 1/2 months. All in the space of a week ... up to that she was a happy little potato. She's quicker than my boy and I'm sure she'll be crawling sooner etc They all do things differently and in their own time. But if you are worried do just ask your hv. But more often than not people tend to post the positive rather than say "my kids not doing this yet".
Rolling isn't a developmental milestone so don't worry about that! I think my son was about 11 months and walking before he figured out rolling 😂 my baby is 8 months this week and she only just mastered crawling. It's also normal for babies to still be wobbly at this age. Not babbling would be the only thing that worries me though. Does she make any sounds? Blow raspberries? Giggle? As long as she does those things then I wouldn't worry, but if she's not doing any vocalisations then I would consider calling the health visitor. They should make contact with you somewhere between 8&12 months anyway. X
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@Charlotte she giggles, blows raspberries, makes all sorts of noises just not ‘mama, dada, baba etc’ she’s recently started making an ‘oooo’ face and sound 🤷🏻♀️
My son is the say way n he’s 7 month he’ll be 8 months in 16 days he now started physical therapy because he doesn’t have the strength to him to roll or even get on all 4s or sit up he need support for everything he’s also only a 14 pound 7 oz baby so he’s much smaller talk to your doctor maybe get her into physical therapy she may just need to gain a little more strength but she’ll get there!!!🥰🥰
@Elena there have been studies on babies under 3 years of age that have and haven’t watched baby tv. The ones that didn’t, progressed faster than the ones that did. They basically said that the tv distracted them from watching and learning from the world around them. Babies at this age watch people do things and copy it. But with a bright, colourful tv screen with dancing fruits or cocomelon etc, it stops them from doing this as much, therefore they fall behind. It honestly wasn’t meant to make anyone feel judged x
@Betty each to their own but the tv is a god send in my opinion. It also made my boy crawl because he wanted to get to Bluey on the tv 🤣 I don’t know how parents cope doing no screens!
@Elena exactly, everyone’s got their own ways of doing things. Had the baby mentioned have been having a lot of screen time then i would have only suggested trying to cut down on it to see if she improves. It’s not that bad doing no screens to be honest. We have normal tv on sometimes, just not baby tv and she’s not bothered in the slightest. If I need to get jobs done, I either wait until she’s down for a nap, get her involved (she loves sweeping up with me lol) or she goes in her highchair/walker/jumperoo and we put nursery rhymes on Alexa and dance around and get silly while I’m cleaning. The rest of the time we either play or we’re out and about 🥰 I think I’ve let her watch tv about 4-5 times max with actual kids stuff but it’s been old 90s shows that are really slow and understimulating like the old Beatrix potter series on prime x
All babies develop at their own rate. However, if you're concerned, then maybe speak to your HV