It’s a stressful time but you can’t confuse with nappies. If you want to master it literally cold turkey on the nappy front. (Only nap and at night) Take her to the potty every 20 mins whether they want to go or not. Stickers stickers stickers!!
Commenting to I can comment later !! X
Hey, we have tried three times, and we’ve had major refusals and gone back to nappies each time. however she’s told us she doesn’t want her nappy on herself recently-which is a first and she’s been doing it really well. Still nappies at night of course. We haven’t ever offered rewards the times we’ve tried, just used loads of praise and claps every time, but we’re winding that down to just smiles and a ‘good job!’ So it’s starting to feel like the norm now. Although when teething or ill she’s definitely not wanted to use it I’ve noticed that, so could it be that? A few things you may already have done- Has she decorated the potty with favourite stickers? Have you sat on it or her toys and then got everyone to cheer? Re-read toddler books on training (no more nappies/bing choo choo toilet train) Put the potty in a little ‘den’ (cardboard box or chairs with blanket over so it’s her own little privvy space for now?)
Following for advise as well.