@Nire85 8 weeks tomorrow..I did 4 early sensitive pregnancy tests. Last test was 3 days after missed period. They all came out positive. 2 different brands. First response and clear blue
I have had some pain on my lower right side at my early scan they said I had a really small cyst that may burst and I may feel it, but they confirmed the pregnancy was in the right place … If you get any pain in the tip of your shoulder, intense pain in your abdomen or you feel dizzy or sick then go to a&e x
@Megan thanks for your reply. dizzy and sick for long periods? How far along are you now and has it been okay? I'm really nervous as I feel like maybe it's my fault.
Also, would it be a stomach ultrasound or transvaginal? Thanks
I remember I was stressing so much at my scan as I had spotting and pain too. Turned out my baby was completely fine. Did have a cyst that has now gone. Currently healthy baby boy (22 weeks)
Thank you for letting me know
I’m 10 weeks now, was 8 weeks at the scan it was external however at 8 weeks with my previous pregnancy I had an internal scan at 8 weeks and did see a lot more tbh. If you’re feeling dizzy and sick for long periods along with the pain I would probably give 111 a call. It’s definitely not your fault please don’t think that, and everything is probably fine. Really hope you’re ok x
@Megan I wish you a healthy pregnancy. It's so difficult isn't it the waiting and the anticipation?
How many weeks are you hun?