My midwife said it's a boy thing, they are a little slower with the milestones
I talked to a mom who had two girls and a boy, now I have two girls and a boy. He’s the oldest (3.5) and his sisters have reached earlier milestones besides walking. He was on it about walking by 8mo 😂
I think its a child thing. My son met every milestone except talking very early. He would not have a skill then just get up and do something like he had been doing it for months inevidably scaring me. My daughter seems to have the same mindset of 'whats the point' and is behind where my son was at this age, but still in the early to normal range. I'm curious if she will talk earlier, but mostly letting her do her own thing.
I don’t have both only a son and he is advance in everything! He is only 6 months old and pretty much already crawling! I honestly think it just depends on the baby!
Depends on the child they’re all different in various ways
Slower but he was 12 weeks early. I think if he was full term they’d be on track. Cause he was on track for his adjusted again but not actual atleast not all the time.
90% of the time boys are slower .
Not sure as I only have a boy. He was an early crawler, walker, climber, runner. Anything physical he smashed it. On his 1 year birthday he was running around. But he didn’t really talk until he was 2 and a half.
Both my kids were later to do all gross motor milestones like crawling and walking, they hit all those the same ages. But my daughter was way earlier to start talking. I think that’s more to do with her personality and being the second child though.
I've always heard that girls are typically faster
My parents are both one of nine, both have two boys and seven girls in their families. Their moms who have never met both say that girls mature and hit milestones faster. My younger brother had a lisp and was super late for potty training. I potty trained myself as soon as I could walk at one and was speaking two languages and reading by three. He’s much smarter and did better in school though. I’d say he has a much higher EQ too. My husband has many brothers and one sister and she is the youngest and most mature by far as well as she hit milestones the fastest. That’s most of what I have to go off though so it could just be in my own extended family. Who knows really?
I think it really depends of child. The one who started crawling faster was slower with language and the way around for the other 🙂