Baby stopped cooing.. now groans all the time! Any one else?

My little one has just turned 5 months. She was full of little coos and enjoyed "conversations" when she was smaller, but over the last month she's swapped this out for a constant groaning/humming noise. She occasionally shrieks, less often we get a giggle but it always goes back to the dreaded groan... Am I being over anxious first time mum? Is this normal? She's started getting very physically active (rolling, pivoting on her tummy), could it just be she's focusing on these for now so has lost her voice? Please tell me she'll go back to the cute coos and babbling.. it's driving me up the wall 🙃
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My little one did this a few months ago! I think its just when they learn a new vocal skill they tend to repeat it over and over but omg is this one annoying! Thought it was going to make me go insane she did it so constantly! It does pass though now she just does it if she’s a bit grizzly but has gone back to chatting! If it makes you feel better mine also went through a screaming phase everytime something excited her the most high pitch and loud screams no laughing thankfully that has also passed😂 now we just get a bit of everything!x

Yeah my girl did a couple weeks of this! She is now back to largely babbling and chattering to me ☺️

It is normal for them to drop a skill while learning something new. My lo stopped babbling and started grunting instead at 5 months and he’s hit 6 months today and will not stop chatting to me😅it’s just a phase xx

OMG ME TOO I HATE IT!!!! I could have literally written this post! Also a worried first time mum thinking “what am I doing wrong?!”

Omg same! i thought there was something wrong with her like she was uncomfortable. It’s like a angry grunt, so i thought it was teething/ tiredness - sending my patience all over the place 🫠

@Ellie that's good to hear. Oh wow the screaming does not sound like fun. There are so many fun little surprises round every corner, aren't there 😅

@Lucy so good to hear it sounds normal, but man I get you, my patience is wearing thin 😂

@Charley very reassuring to hear it sends to be normal. I was worried she was uncomfortable. Hopefully it'll pass soon

My LO stopped cooing 2 weeks ago and instead was doing this horrible grunting/growling sound that made me convinced she was uncomfortable with wind or reflux. She did it none stop😂then she suddenly stopped that starting cooing again and now she’s moved onto squealing high pitch as loud as she can 😂I think they must learn a new sound and do it over and over and forget about all the other ones they know 🤣x

She’s probably just trying something new. I’d make more noises around her that you like, so she starts imitating those. My favorites are “boom boom” (with the lip trill) for cars and a high pitch karate chop noise “kia!” “da!” lol

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