I would stop offering for awhile and then when you do offer smother in grass fed butter and a little sea salt to entice him! I find that if I offer her the same things she will stop going for it but when I switch it up she's more likely to try something again!
My girl doesn't like reims potatoes either. She loves sweet potatoes
My LO loves chips, either potato or sweet potato. But she will not eat mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes or boiled potatoes 🤷♀️
My little one won’t eat mashed potatoes, but loves chips!
My son doesn’t like mashed potatoes. He will eat chips and French fries but if potatoes are just pan fried it’s hit or miss. But he does love sweet potatoes. I’m Mexican and beans are a staple and my son hates beans though. But you can’t make them like something. I agree with the above comment stop offering and then offer it again a little later
Carrot and swede mixed in with mash? My boy loves that x
My 2 year still does not eat potatoes except for crisps 😭
My son has never really liked any form of potato he will eat chips and sometimes roast potatoes my health visitor said it’s a common one and not to worry. I tend to give him rice more now instead
How about roast potatoes? Or Chips?