@Ebony that’s what I was thinking but I can’t see anything coming through but oh ma gad she has a proper temper🤣x
They might be closer than you think. Give it a couple of days and you might see something pop up or more feel. We've just had a meal of frozen fruit and veg because of the teeth 😂
Yeah 100%. Mines always had a temper it’s been crazy but lately it’s worse. She doesn’t really cry but she angry screams and it’s been non stop x
Yup we're weaning off her dummy so that could be contributing factor for her anger though. She's been a bit of moany and crying.
@Briony yeah my Lg is clenching her fists and grunting and growling!! However it does look like she wants to try and crawl but she can’t so she’s getting annoyed about it ahah! It’s like a little temper tantrum she puts her head between her legs and screams too ahha! I do laugh though thinking I really hope karma hasn’t come to bite me on the bum 🤣🤣x
@Samina you’re so brave!! My lg screamed for 4/5 months 7-10 hours with 2 10 min naps a day started from 3 weeks the dummy was the only thing that stopped it when I eventually gave her one! Think she had severe colic but if shes really upset the dummy is the only thing that calms her down as my lg doesn’t cry she does a high pitch scream! 🤣 so hats off to you! Your one brave lady🩷xx
Thank you, she did wake up up searching for it..just shushed and rocked back to sleep ... bless her. Trying to preservere here
My little girl has been stroppy the past few days. Today I noticed her first teeth cutting which might be why she's been stroppy