Toddler keeps hurting himself

Please tell me I am not a terrible mother I just have a really active toddler that likes to jump and run of everything. Today he managed to hit himself on a Lego piece (fell and Lego was on the floor so just landed straight on it) and then as he borrowed my Stanley cup he dropped it on his toe.
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You’re definitely not a terrible mother! I have a girl who isn’t actually that active but still comes out with 10 new bruises a day, half of which I have no idea how she’s got them!

You’re definitely not a terrible mother. Kids will just be kids, they have no fear and they’re often clumsy. My daughter is extra clumsy and if I could I would wrap her in bubble wrap lol but I can’t so she’s forever falling over and off things. It doesn’t help that she loves nothing more than a good old climb, especially onto things she shouldn’t 🫣😂 x

Mine falls over, falls off the sofa (because she’s a loony and jumps all over it), walks into things, drops things on herself, etc multiple times a day! She never sits still, constantly on the go and it’s bound to happen, you can’t stop them 🤷🏼‍♀️

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