I had my second 8 weeks ago and had a bmi of 48, i cant really comment on the option of giving birth in the home from home as i had a c section both times but what i will say is its your pregnancy, your baby and its totally upto you. I found with my first every consultant conflicted one another, one would i had to go naturally cause of my bmi, one would say a c section is better cause of my bmi, the next was i might have to go early cause of my bmi and the risks, in the end they brought me into to be induced 5 days over, baby was transverse and it was a c section so baby decided but i just felt everything was risky cause of bmi, basically what im trying to say is if you have no complications then go for the birth you want and good luck!
My BMI was 40.1, i had a pretty normal pregnancy, was shared care due to my bmi, so got more scans with the consultant which was nice, got tested for Gestational Diabetes twice, never had it, was on aspirin too. Always had a good Blood Pressure etc, went into labour myself and it went well until i had an emergency section but that was down to my babys heart rate and not my weight! Had a healthy 8lb1oz baby at 40+2. Hopefully you will be able to have the birth you want x
@Anna ah thank you, and congratulations! I guess I just need to make sure I am properly informed if the consultants are vary on their advice 🫠 I had to be induced with my first because my waters went without contractions and that was the one part of the labour I hated so would love to avoid that and a section. I really hope I can get the birth I want 🤞🤞🤞
@Roisin thank you for this and congratulations on your wee baby! That's really good to know - when you were in labour did you have the choice of the home from home or only labour ward?
Thank you🩵 I never asked for a home birth but it also was never put to me as 'not an option' if you know what i mean x
Hi I gave birth at the Ulster! I had high bmi and was allowed to birth in the home from home unit after speaking with the head midwife Katherine. She spoke with me about the risks etc and I was happy to go ahead. As long as you have no complications you can go ahead- however I think the blood thinning injections rules you out. I refused them as the risks of taking them far outweighed the benefits for me (they genuinely have very little research to support their use) and the risk of taking them include haemorrhaging and usually you cannot have a spinal/epidural if you’ve recently taken one, so if you need an emergency section, some anaesthetists will not site one. Highly recommend reading Dr Sara Wickams book “plus size pregnancy” as it breaks down all research about interventions etc. also, bmi is bollocks, don’t let them bully you into induction as long as you an baby are healthy. BMI is not scientifically relevant and archaic. Your care should be based on individual circumstance
@Caitlin oh my goodness thank you so much for this! So good to know! I will definitely read that book, I'm frustrated I didn't before I took those injections - they are sort of thrown on you! I have an appointment on Friday so wonder if I can chat through it then but I think it might just be a scan so maybe I need to phone the helpline 🤷 things happen quiet quickly and I would be frustrated if taking those injections rules me out of HFH and they didn't even mention it.
I think a high bmi rules you Out of home from home. I was consultant led due to high bmi and a breech baby and had a section. Normal pregnancy tho, no issues. Wasn’t diabetic etc. Good luck!