@Becca is he 12 month? I’ve give him it now praying it works he’s had a cough for weeks
I haven't used it myself but I've heard that it's no more effective than honey, and has a high sugar content, so personally I wouldn't use it but since you already have it, I guess try it and see! 🤞
Honestly all cough medicines are a placebo don’t waste your money x
It’s just pure sugar syrup. We use a tiny bit of honey in warm water
He's now 15month and struggles alot with his chest so anything to help him really x
I heard that all infants cough medicine aren’t really effective because they’re realllly low doses. I would give them a spoon full of honey, and sips of pineapple juice for the cough and throat.
Yeah used it the other night, actually seemed to have helped, we had the apple flavor though which I don't think he overly enjoyed 😅