Depending on your child the party won’t be enjoyable if nap is skipped
I drove around for an hour and a half before my boys own birthday party as I needed him to sleep
We showed up an hour late lol my kid is uber sensitive to sleep disturbances so we are pretty strict to keep routine so he sleeps throughout the nights. Only people that have sleep sensitive kids get it but you know your kid and like what they tolerate. If it doesn’t work for you it doesn’t you can send one parent with a gift and join later cut the nap a bit shorter ?
If possible, we’d stop by at the beginning or end of the party for a little bit but both our kids do much better with naps so it’s a priority to us.
My toddler needed a nap no matter what, but I would try to work it out. Either waking them up earlier that day so they can nap before the party or get early to the party and leave soon to let them the nap.
That baby is only gonna have one first birthday party! I've realised since having my daughter that showing up is so important. I'd prioritise the party over the nap, party is a one off and nap time could change for one day. The party probably won't be that long anyway
We always prioritize going to celebrations and fun things over nap. Because when the time comes, I want people to show up for us too
If we are close to that family then I'd wake us up earlier than normal in the hopes that it would move their nap time earlier. The 1st birthday is sentimental to the parents as it's not just baby's birthday but it's the 1st year of being parents too. It's special. It also just depends on the toddler. Some are miserable when they're due for a nap. You know your child best. Maybe you can go a little early and see if they get excited enough that they just aren't sleepy.
Think it would be slightly upsetting for the parents if you didn’t turn up for that reason. Used to annoy me that my sil was like this and everything was around nap time however didn’t offer the same courtesy in reverse.
As a one off it won't be the end of the world to have an earlier or later nap.