Mixing both

Can i mix formula and breast milk together
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As long as your meaning two separate drinks ? They can’t go in the same bottle together xx

@yana yes you can

I've been told you can from hv.

Alot of people think you can’t for some reason but it’s definitely fine. You just have to follow the appropriate guidelines as in it will expire when formula would like an hour after baby drinks from the bottle rather than breastmilk guidelines.

Yes you can. I had to do it to get my baby to get used to formula

I have been mixing formula and breast milk in the same bottle since November, currently back on mainly expressed milk as per doctors' guidance as LO has been constipated, so just wants to check it isn't that. I would make the formula as per instructions, heat up the expressed milk then mix both together. It was the only way he would take formula.

They can go in the same bottle

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