One of my kids started eating only closer to 8 months 🙂 maybe he needs more time 🙂
What if you tried some food based messy play? Do you think he might be into that? Painting with yogurt's, coloured spaghetti, pouring and crunching cereals? It might just invite him to pick bits up and try it. But otherwise, keep modelling, keep offering and sit and eat together. It'll come :)
My girl didn't show much interest at first (we also started at 6 months) but she's 8 months now and honestly she loves mealtimes, especially when she gets to feed herself! Persistence is key!
Just offer some finger foods every day, even when it seems like he isn’t interested or he doesn’t eat much. That’s how he’ll learn 🙂 my baby has been on solids for 2 months now and he’s only just started properly chewing and swallowing his food.
@Grace he’s dairy free too which makes it harder 😩
@Charlotte I’ve been doing some BLW weaning too so he was playing with it and eating bits.. just not much 😅
@Levi yeah that’s what I’m trying to do!
@Ellie he’ll take you by surprise one day, don’t worry. Also my baby is dairy free too so I know the struggle 😩
@Levi it’s not easy! My daughter was too but seem to be finding it harder second time round
Our 8.5 month shows ALL the interest in food…until she actually let her try it and then she couldn’t give a toss 😂 I think it just clicks for different babies at different ages xx
Keep trying, we’ve been weaning for over 2 months now and only this week is she actually starting to eat. It’s really tedious making food and then they don’t eat it so I just gave a version of what we were eating, slightly less disheartening too.