Weaning Blues

My 19 month old refuses to wean. she literally pitches an entire fit (throwing her head back, will even hit me sometimes when I say no) I've tried going away for a few days or finding something to substitute that will soothe her but I'm struggling. Any suggestions are welcome
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Mustard on the nipple

We weaned to warm milk in a sippy. It helped my little one make the transition. It took me about 2 weeks to fully wean. Keeping super busy, not letting baby see me sitting down, offer a sippy before and after nursing, limiting nursing sessions to 2 minutes per side, spacing nursing sessions out as far as possible.

We just held the binky up and had her watch as we cut the nipple off and everyone clapped and said good job and she was excited!! I think having her involved was great, she got to kind of say goodbye to it and we haven't had a problem with her wanting it at all! Good luck 🤞

Wait are we talking weaning off a bottle or binky?! Haha I just realized I may have given the wrong advice 😂

@Michelle 🤣 breastfeeding

Same. I’m aiming to stop by 2.

Oops, sorry!! Guess I wasn't right at all 😂 but yeah can't help you with that unfortunately, my baby took a bottle🫠

@Imani that's what I'm hoping but the way she acts it's giving addicted

@Michelle cut the nipple off 😂 a bit extreme no?!? Just here in solidarity. I dropped to just a morning nursing session but he usually throws a FIT midday. He seems to like when I show him my boob and then we say “bye bye” to it. A few times I’ve given in and he nursed for half a second but was more interested in saying “bye bye” so that’s a win for me. But he’s sick right now and whenever he gets sick all my rules go out the window I let him nurse whenever and then have to start all over 🫠🫠🫠

@Korissa I mean I didn't have to get rid of a binky for either of my other kids so I wasn't sure what the best way was and someone suggested this and it actually worked!! Might be a little extreme 😆 but I think it helped she could physically see it was gone!

@Michelle haha no I agree for binky weaning. I mean a breastfeeding weaning advice 😂 just a joke.

Omg 🤦 not that I didn't already get confused earlier, what's one more time 😂 I must be extra tired today!!

@Korissa That's how we regressed when she got sick starting a new daycare all she wanted to do was nurse and sleep she had zero energy

@Ruby yup then starting over again is awful. I try and distract him with pouches and watered down juice or chamomile tea sometimes. Sometimes I just have to put on my noise canceling headphones and survive the tantrum lol.

@Ruby @Korissa Same! The addiction is real. My daughter is pretty focused on breastmilk when she’s getting sleepy. It soothes her. We’ve cut it down to 3-4 times a day.

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