Continued... May be a good idea to get the type of suitcase where she can ride, that you pull. You may also want to get some Melatonin drops to help her sleep. For your newborn, for an international flight, see if you can get a bassinet. If you use bottled breastmilk (or liquid formula) ...freeze it SOLID and put it in a cooler with gel ice packs (they stay cold longer than the plastic things imo), or freeze water in ziplock bags, just double or triple bag them bc they will melt. I say solid bc TSA has a 3oz max on liquids, but with it frozen solid, they're technically not a liquid, so there isn't the same restriction. If you do powdered formula, bring the whole can, as well as one of these, to make it easier If you're using you first board the plane...ask the flight attendant for a 1/2 cup of boiling water before take-off, when they bring it, place the frozen bm bag in the cup, it will melt the frozen formula, and likely be the perfect temperature. Also...
...if you can withhold feeding the kids til after you'll be glad. Set up your older toddler with food/snack. As your plane is taxiing...put the bottle in your baby's mouth. What this does is the chewing and sucking allows their ears to constantly release any pressure, the baby should instantly fall asleep in your arms. Also get something like this , that doesn't have all the straps and snaps, you can put it around your baby after take off and you will have both hands available if you need them. I wish I had a pic of mine, it was just like this, but didn't adjust, it was just non-stretchy cotton fabric. It was a godsend when deplaning with a knocked out infant when you have other luggage, and an older child in your case. If you decide to use a double stroller, you may want to get a 1-piece. And make sure you can close it 1-handed, unless you don't mind strangers holding your baby.
Actually the sling I used for my baby was probably more like this one. He was able to tuck inside, see the "cradle style" in the pics:
FYI no limit on breast milk or formula on flights- you don’t have to limit to 3oz. Never had an issue. Once mine was a toddler they tried giving me a hard time with yogurt that was 3.5 or 4oz and I argued (respectfully) that he is a picky eater and is the only thing he will eat and I figured it was better packaged than home made and they let it go.
@Jill thank you so much! These are great tips 🫶🏾 backstory...I have 2 earth-side kids, a 3yo and a 21yo. I started flying with both of my kids at 2mo old. My youngest has been on 75 1way flights before turning 17mo.'ll need the birth certificate for your baby and possibly your 5yo, even for in-country travel. For your oldest, a tablet pre-downloaded with videos & games that can be watched off-line, jic. Have whatever app is required for the plane's wifi pre-downloaded. If you don't want her on screen-time the whole flight, not available with my oldest...bring small her something new that she'll love (maybe one for the return flight as well), make a big deal about how special it is, bc she's a big girl going on a fun plane ride. Bring drawing stuff, maybe the mess-free type, so you don't have to supervise her as much bc you'll have the baby. Bring TONS of snacks and food, international flights do provide lots of food/snacks but not always something a small child will like. The tablet will be required to have headphones.