Sharing a Paci

Tonight my 8mo did the cutest freaking thing. While I was rocking him to sleep I gave him a paci because he was fussy which I rarely do and he put it in his mouth stared me in my eyes and then pulled it out and put it up to my face. I proceeded to act like I was using it and say “MMM MMM thank you!” And he giggled and kept that going for about 5 minutes until he fell asleep. My heart couldn’t handle much more cuteness, so I just wanted to share. Does anyone have some similar cutesy stories to share? 🥰
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Sometimes my lo does things like that but I usually just say "no thank you, that's for you" or something along those lines. But them gigging is like magic, it's the happiest feeling.

The first time he offered to feed me food melted my heart…I said no thank you that’s yours but he sometimes won’t take no for an answer so I let him care for me like I care for him.

@Melissa aww so sweet 🥲

lol my daughter gets a little aggressive when I don’t take her pacifier offering 😂 she whacks me with it till I take it. So I carry an extra now

Yeah it offends them if you don’t accept their offer lol. Like you gotta be sitting there sucking on yours while they’ve got theirs lol

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