My son loves granola bars, homemade cheezits, hard boiled eggs and slim Jims.
Sugar free applesauce or sugar free pudding, veggie straws, nutrigrain bars, dried fruit, chopped up sandwich meat, mini muffins.
We have layered fruit bars, That’s It bars, Nature's Bakery cereal bars, Quaker rice cakes and Veggie Straws on hand for prepackaged snacks. Spreading peanut butter on crackers is a new one that we're trying, and I want to grab some low sodium Turkey pepperoni for her to snack on too. Really, I'm just trying to identify go-to's that are health-ish 😆
Look into once upon a farm. Great brand. I like the pouches and oatmeal bars. Also yogurt bites
Our struggle is veggies. I've had to resort to fruit and veggie pouches. For Breakfast: Sometimes Eggs, Strawberries, yogurt, and/or toast. Snack: Apple Sauce Lunch: from frozen chicken nuggets with ketchup (finding something to dip their meat into can help) and mango. Snack: cheese stick or fruit bar Dinner: whatever we are eating (sometimes she eats it sometimes she doesn't and we resort to a pouch.