Omg my five month old does all of this. And two bottom teeth fully in
@carly she has said Ma, and the rest of her words r a lot of babbling lol. Yes I have a video of her giving us high fives. I forgot to add she can sit up if she’s partially inclined
@Kayla that’s great!
Yes lol, she says mama and dada, rolls all over, sits complete unassisted, is starting to push herself from her belly to sitting, rocks back and forth on all 4s, gets about 30% correct on her shape puzzles, understands gentle hands with pets, we don’t have any teeth yet though.
@Vanessa omg so cute!!!! What a smarty pants
@Jada Baier aww that’s amazing ya my lo understands gentle hands too with our cat. She does so much that I forget some things
@carly yes she really is a lil smarty pants. I have the funniest video of her smacking my husband cuz she didn’t want a kiss 😂
@Brie thanks. Yes all babies develop at their own pace.
Haha I feel similarly too! Giving high fives seems very advanced though! I’ll have to try that. Ours is just about 6 months and sits up all by herself without falling or using her arms, and has for a while now. She can roll from tummy or back easily and a lot, she hates spending any time on her back and just rolls out of it. She would prefer to be practicing her skills on her tummy where she can get into crawling position, but mostly crawls backwards and gets stuck in corners lol. And since she was 2 months she has loved to be in standing position so she is so strong with that, and can just about pull herself up from sitting using the side of the wooden play yard. Honestly she had some sort of neck strength since her arrival, it was wild, so I think we’ve just had a head start with a lot of these. Is she saying any words yet? I’m pretty sure it’s still really early She also has 2 teeth and got her first on on Christmas so around 4.5 months with the second a couple days later.