We didn’t give our 2.5 yr old a pillow until 2 months ago!! X
honestly i got my daughter a pillow at about 19 months old or something. she was just over a year & a half.
Thanks health visitor said one but I’m not sure
my daughter would use my fiancés & my pillow when she would sleep in our bed, though. but in the crib by herself, i wouldn’t trust it!
My daughter sleeps in my bed but with no pillow but she is one soon but I’m not sure how safe they are
When my girl is ill with a cold, we co sleep and she uses mine to elevate her head to help snot running down. But that's because I'm there. I won't give her an independent pillow in her cot till she's past 2.
They gave my first one at nursery for naps when she started at 1. We didn't give at home for a while; maybe 18months or so, cos it seemed she was looking for one. Will see how it goes with this one, but no plan to introduce yet.
If she's doing fine without one, then I'd wait until as close to 2 as possible, if she seems uncomfortable and you think it might help then you can try but I'd try and hold off as long as possible because they older they are the more the grow out of the suffocation risk.
I was gonna give my daughter one as she is full off cold but I’m not sure still as the risk
Oh girl, don’t worry pillows are for like two-year-olds because it could possibly suffocate your child