I got the reduced sugar rusks but even then I'm not really that keen, he just has a bit occasionally. That being said we all grew up eating them! 😂 We have the wafers and things like melty sticks that are all organic and as far as I'm aware there's nothing bad in them Also we gave him toast fairly early on and he loves it, might be something to try
I let mine have pretty much everything tbh. You might be better off trying meals now rather single fruit and veg. By 7 months they’re probably finding it boring hence not being interested. Mix it up with some different flavours and textures and you will probably find they’re more interested x
Just try to remember that food before 12 months is to experiment, to try tastes and textures and get used to biting and swallowing! I personally stay away from rusks purely because of the sugar content. especially when baby is only 7 months old’ A couple of mouthfuls is more than enough for some babies at this stage!! Some babies take to food immediately and love if, some of them take a little longer! Baby girl is doing fine :)
My LG has bits and tastes of veg and fruit here and there, we’ve had tastes of most major allergens and she’ll eat like 1/4 of a meal a day now at near enough 8 months old. Now she has little nibbles of what I eat a lot, but she does have 7 teeth so it’s easier for her to bite and she has gotten used to swallowing 😂
My baby girl not all that interested, takes a couple of spoonfuls now and then. She prefers to suck on cucumber sticks, cooked carrot stick . More of a milk machine still x
They are soooo messy!!! I swear it’s like cement when it dries 🤣 never again. We tried the low sugar ones but she wasn’t a massive fan
I used rusks and both mine loved them, i started with mixing with milk then moved to using purees with it and left it lumpy and built texture up from there. Theres nothing wrong with them having them despite the sugar content, as long as you manage everything else x
For me rusks have helped get my 7mo biting as he is the lazy eater. He wants to eat didn't want to chew. He loves his food and eats a pot of it, then cries for more. I tried offering milk after and its rarely wanted but he did eat a pot of porridge then had an 8oz bottle afterwards. He slept very well with that full belly and left a lot of milk at bedtime. My first was a food baby too but he wanted it at 4mo so he was eating toast by now. Each baby is different some love food others wont be interested for a bit longer
I recommend the strawberry or banana weaning wands, less sugar and my daughter loves them
I did a weaning class with an IBCLC and she recommended using things like rich tea biscuits over rusks as they have less sugar. But I’d rather give her proper food and avoid packaged baby snacks, I don’t think they add anything nutritionally.
They are all so different and will show interest and progress at different rates. My first just started picking up veggies at 5 months and loved experimenting/chewing etc. Amazing hand eye coordination. Everything home cooked and organic. Whereas this baby won't pick up anything but will happily eat her bodyweight if being spoonfed shop bought purees. She's just lazy. Im not convinced it makes much difference - they all end up eating chips off the floor in McDonds 😱
I find pancakes are a good way to peak her interest in different flavours when I'm running out of ideas. Oats also make a good substitute for flour, we have blueberry ones, spinach ones and avacado ones currently in the freezer, good for on the go, added bonus my 3 year old loves them too. Top tip just shove all the ingredients in the nutri bullet for quick mixing ... ive had perfect panvakes for 3 years solid now 🤣I also make alot of egg muffins to introduce flavours too. My little girl tends to prefer something solid to bite on atm, i guess it's part to do with teething too. They're pretty easy and cost effective to make with anything you have in the cupboard or fridge so you don't need to spend loads outside of basic eggs and flour or oats. Nothing wrong with rusks here and there. Also to add this sounds like she eats loads .. she doesn't, she'll eat a max of about 2-3 teaspoons. Have you noticed any difference between you and your partner? My girl eats better for them, I guess she sees me & sees boob
@Laura do you have a basic recipe you could share for the pancakes? More ratios than anything? Thanks
@Steph sure, for the avacado ones 280g self raising flour, 200ml whole milk, 2 eggs, 1 mashed avacado, squeeze of lemon juice (this one also works well for 1 banana too but minus the lemon juice) For the blueberry ones 150g oats 1 egg 150ml milk (i find almond works best or semi skimmed) 100g blueberries (can easily vary the fruit) 1 teaspoons baking powder The blueberry ones are a firm favourite in our house since my eldest was weaning
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@Laura my eldest has always loved pancakes too. We make them with blueberries and bananas, a basic weaning recipe and batch cook a load, then you can microwave them for a quick breakfast.
Thanks @Laura 👍
I personally am staying away from rusks due to the sugar content. There's other snacks that have less sugar, which my LO likes to have. However a couple of mouth fulls is fine right now, I wouldn't worry about her not having full meals. Milks should still be the main source of nutrients, she'll get there in time, just keep offering it to her