4.5hr sleep a day is crazy. I'm amazed she doesn't conk out at the table at meals or the middle of the floor while playing. If you took her for a 20min car or stroller ride, I bet she'd nap, even if she's hasn't been lately. In fact the nap might even break down some of her resistance to sleeping and get things back on track... But there's still the problem of you not getting to sleep. My son usually sleeps through, but sometimes he will wake up and have a hard time settling. I keep the lights off and just hold him, making sure to be as boring as possible. If he wiggless away I'll let him, dispassionately collect him, and start again. I put on my neck pillow and pretend to sleep while he gets bored and tired again. It can take 30min-1hr, but he will settle back to sleep and usually sleeps in after. Good luck, Mama! 🍀
My son is doing the same and has been for a month or two. He wakes me up most night around 3am to eat. Even though he's a pretty good eater and eats (big meals and snacks) all day. And still has milk after dinner. I'm assuming growth spurt / all the new skills they are learning at this age. Dr said it's just a phase, just gotta ride it out and try to stick to your schedule. His schedule: 9am-9pm no nap. Or he takes a nap and we push bedtime later. However we try to stick to no naps so he doesn't stay up so late but we are late night people so it doesn't bother us if he does stay up later than 9
I’ve been dealing with this for almost a year. He wakes up every night at around 11:30/12 because he wants someone to lay with him. I found out last night if he has ice cream after dinner he sleeps a lot longer and doesn’t need someone next to him
Thank you mamas, I’ve never tried cosleeping but maybe I should give it a try. I’m thinking that could maybe be the problem, she maybe misses mommy.
We co sleep and it still happens :/ we've co slept since birth
I sleep with him in his bed and slowly move further away each night
Id put her in the bed with you! We cosleep
Whats her day like? How long does she nap?