Gestational diabetes!

Hi, ive recently been told i have gestational diabetes, i had a gastric sleeve 3 years ago and apparently its a side effect in pregnancy after having weight loss surgery. My sugar readings vary between 4.3 and 7.8 mostly but i have had a few high ones the highest being 9.5, i am due to go back on the 7th for a follow up appointment to see if i need medication, did anyone else have medication given to them from just a few high readings? And did the diabetes go once baby was born, im absolutely freaking out thinking im going to be on insulin for the rest of my life😩😩 ive had such a rough pregnancy and this has been the cherry on top of the cake😂😩 im also 32 weeks pregnant and having a c section at 39 weeks so dont get what theyre going to be able to do for 7 weeks that will make a difference!
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This is my 2nd pregnancy with GD. First pregnancy I had 3 highs and was put on metformin. This time round because I could account for a few I wasn’t put on straight away (but am now on metformin again). It’s all related to the placenta so once you pass the placenta you effectively don’t have GD anymore. You do have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes so they will test you yearly. I think as long as you’re sensible, enjoy your sweet/carby treats but don’t go crazy every day you would be fine. 7 weeks is a long time if GD isn’t well controlled so they will always err on the side of caution with med if they need to. Hope all goes well for you and baby!!

Thank you so much! Xx

Hello 😊 I was gestational diabetes and had our little boy earlier this week - so I haven’t been tested post birth yet but have eaten normally since delivery. They have arranged for me to be tested at my 6 week postnatal appointment. I was on metformin 4 times per day (max dose) and insulin 4 times per day (28 units at night, 13 pre breakfast and they 4 pre lunch and dinner). It took a little adjustment but I soon fell into a routine. I was induced at 38 weeks and 2 days due to the meformin. Every finger prick and injection was worth it 🥰🥰 xx

Yes I had this at 35 weeks and wanted him out with c section at 38. I was in hospital for 9 days we exhausted the NHS with inducing me .. my baby DID NOT want to come out . They were feeding me jacket potato for lunch and white bread sandwiches for dinner every day (everything they told me to stay away from) When I had the baby they never once spoke of it again. No phone calls no appointments no readings nothing. It goes away xxx I was on metformin but it was because all the things they were telling me to eat was making me go in the red. But I was eating maccies and crap and I was in the green. Apparently they want to keep an eye on it cause the baby can gain weight . My baby put on 2lbs in 2 weeks when they was only meant to be putting on 1lb a week x

Told me I could have a 10lb baby .. he was 7.14 😂 so don’t get too worried about what they tell you .. but keep up with your testing for the safety of the baby.. don’t worry altho it’s a pain and I said it was a massive inconvenience to my life .. its so hard to just change your diet .. it’ll be over soon x

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