
My 5mo is doing good for the most part, but she still hasn’t gotten the hang of sitting up on her own, completely rolling on her own, or the start of crawling.. Is she behind ? & she absolutely hates awake tummy time w a passion but she does get at least an hour a day & she sleeps on her tummy..
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She's not behind. My soon to be 6 month old is still practicing sitting up on his own and he has not started crawling. Crawling doesn't happen till 7-10 months.

She is definitely NOT behind! My daughter has been sitting up and rolling wayyyy sooner than what my son was doing! Every kid is different. Just keep doing tummy time and girl her legs and arms to practice rolling. It helps! She’s perfectly fine

Lauren! I was feeling this same way and then kept seeing other posts about their babes doing way more than mine. But just kept reminding myself that all these kiddos move at their own pace and at some point in life my kid might be learning things sooner than theirs! It’s all so relative, try not to get in your head too much.

She’s not behind! My daughter is almost 6mo and she can’t even roll all the way 😭 she doesn’t sit on her own either

My son is five months and can’t roll yet

Unless you were told by a professional that she’s behind then she’s not every baby is different because they say girls are actually faster than boys but my 6 month old boy he gets a hang of his milestones pretty quick but mom I’d say try doing different activities with her and give her solids if you haven’t started yet 🫶🏽

Like many already said, every baby develops at their own pace. It's so hard not to compare our babies to others. If you are worried, mention it to your pediatrician and give your baby plenty of floor time.

Milestones are the AVERAGE. Your baby may not be average and that’s absolutely okay. This DOES NOT MEAN she is behind. If this exceeds 10m you’ll want to have more concern. So much pressure is put on mamas to watch for milestones. Your LO is perfectly healthy and thriving it sounds like. Tummy time is uncomfortable, but good for them! Lay on your stomach with your hands stretched out and try flipping and moving without using your hands or legs. Makes them sore after a while! She’ll sit up soon enough, and crawl soon enough. Don’t focus on the milestones. Just enjoy your LO. If she isn’t showing signs of delay previously you’re okay 99% of the time.

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