Night time potty training

So my son turned 2 in September and we started day time potty training in the August which is smashed, he has no more accidents but I'm wanting to know when and how to start night time potty training. I'm thinking when he's 3 or just about to turn 3 but no clue how to start. Any advice?
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Night time is hormonal so it’ll be a slower process, my niece is 5 and still wears pull ups at night x

It isn't really something you can teach. It just comes.

This is really interesting 🧐 my LO is 3 in March, we started potty training maybe a month ago she’s got it really quickly (but the odd accident) but has also been dry over night since we started (I put a nappy on just in case) but she woke me up in the night last night as she needed a wee, normally she asks to go as soon as she’s woken up). I think it will just click at some point x

You don’t train them overnight. They’ll do it themselves when they’re ready

It is just something that comes usually around age 4/5. They start waking when they need a wee instead of sleeping through it. You can't teach it x

My daughter is 5 next month & still wears a pull up at night as she isn’t dry & doesn’t wake up for a wee.

Ohhhh thanks everyone! I had absolutely no clue that this wasn't something you can teach. You learn something new every day 😊

My son has been day trained since May last year but very far from night trained. I think I've not to worry about nights until they are 6 or 7. My nephew was almost 6, his little sister was 4.5

Hi we started potty training when my daughter was 2.3 yrs old & we trained her day & night together. Once we took her nappy off we never put them back on as we didn’t want her to get confused. She trained very quickly & just had a few accidents. Now as a routine we do a wee wee before bed at around 7/7:30 & then I take her once more around 11/11:30 & then she does once when she wakes up at 7:00.

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