I agree I have 13 and 14 years
@Brinell do you find your sons different from your daughters in that sense?
Yes I do
Sounds like he might be a teenager. Have you had him tested for teenager? It’s surprisingly common.
@Sharon I think he’s been like it since he was born 🙈
I know my 14 year old son have a nasty ass attitude when he in his feelings but I learn because he be so worried and stressing about things he had no control over may try to talk to him
And my 13 years old he cares but he don’t be given no shit only bout him self he can be selfish and I have to tell him about him self
Teenage sons don't open up either they keep everything in. I think girls might speak more on how they feel. It's hard because we do so much for our son's and never feel appreciated. Feel free to message if you want to speak. You ain't alone 🧡
Yes please message me
My sons care just feels like pulling teeth with them sometimes to know what’s going on inside they head and how they are feeling
Hey, it's not easy raising teens, well done ❤️