Older Siblings

We have 2 daughters, our oldest just turned 2 this months and her baby sister is 8 weeks old. Ava adores Elsie but can be a little rough, as 2 years are. The problem we seem to be having is that when we say ‘don’t do that, gentle hands’ or on the odd occasion we’ve had to tell her off, she then seems to purposefully lash out and try hit the baby. Any pearls of wisdom from mums who’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt?
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Just to say that my 18 month old son does this to his little brother too 😅 no idea how to correct it!

My little boy is almost 2 and does the exact same! Or if we tell him to be gentle or hold him back slightly cos he’s being boisterous around the baby, then he has a complete meltdown 🤦🏼‍♀️

I’m glad to see I’m not alone 😵‍💫 I don’t think there’s much you can do to stop it really, other than keep reiterating they need to be gentle but my god, I am sick of saying ‘no, don’t do that’ 🙈 If she isn’t sick of my voice, I bloody well am 😂

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