@Bethany sorry to interrupt can you tell me how do you make sandwich I tried with tuna she hates it
I give him everything in moderation now.
@Anna of course my little girl will only eat a cheese spread sandwich but I just use one slice of bread, cut off the crusts and flatten it but lots of cheese spread on it and then cut it into really small squares and she eats it like that 😊
@Bethany how do you shape it and is it philphedia an can we be friends to get some recipes 😌
The nhs advise avoiding cheese with mould until 5, and limiting sugar (no undiluted juice or smoothies before 5) and limiting salt. Once they know what a food is, they’ll know they’re missing out on something tasty but unhealthy. If they’ve never tried it they’ve literally no clue.
My little one keeps stealing my quavers when I eat them 😂😂 I try avoid lots of salty or salty foods, don't overdue the sugar and I wouldn't give juice until maybe 3, but even then it would be diluted with water
In theory yes, just best to still avoid whole nuts, raw things or mouldy cheeses. As well as high salt or sugar and very processed food of course, it wont make them sick etc but there are lots of studies showing the long term effects of excess sugar, we just try and give things in moderation, shes never had chocolate or ice cream etc or adult crisps but I would give her rice pudding or a rich tea biscuit now and again, I just try my best to keep it as healthy as I can manage but its hard sometimes with teething and illness
Yeah they can have anything in moderation past 1 year old x
My little girl eats everything we eat now 😊 I also let her half half a bag of Cheetos with lunch when she has a sandwich but yogurt and fruit. Everything is fine now in moderation x