@CeeCee yes hun x same she used to hate spoon fed now she is being very lazy she was in proper food and hated when I touch her food 🤣🤣I don’t have any idea I just made pasta sauce put it on the freezer and make a pasta like star pastas mac n cheese and give it to her 🤣I don’t have any other option atm
@Anna we do broccoli and cream cheese sauce, just boiled and blitzed broccoli with water and cream cheese, we also do roasted butternut squash and blitz that with cream to make a sauce, gets in hidden veg lol
@CeeCee can we be friends please 🥰
Not exactly the same but she used to HATE being spoonfed and only want to feed herself fruit/toast/pancake etc and now she prefers weetabix and soup etc and seems to have gone off the BLW, I dont know if its a teething thing??? But anyway lol soup, curry, pasta in sauce, stews that kinds of thing?