Eating schedule…

Hello ladies, hope everyone’s doing well! I’m starting to worry my little man’s not getting enough milk. For context, he was 7 months last Monday. We started weaning him in early December and he eats EVERYTHING! We’ve done purees and finger foods (toast, watermelon, eggy courgette fingers etc) and his purees are pretty lumpy already, he eats it all no problem. But he’s having such a low amount of milk compared to any “recommended” feeding schedule. His day looks like this: 7am - wake, 8oz bottle 8am - porridge 11:15am - refusing this bottle, takes 2-3oz max! 12:00 lunch - toast/pitta/wrap, cucumber/fruit, yoghurt 3pm - offer an 8oz bottle but takes 5oz max 5:30 - dinner, spag bol/salmon and rice/chicken and sweet potato etc and fruit/yoghurt pouch 7:30 - offer an 8oz bottle but takes 5/6oz. Bed! So total of 22oz maximum but it’s usually more like 18. Are we feeding him too many solids?!
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Hey mama It could be that you're feeding him too much! At his age it's 2 small meals a day and milk should still continue as before. Food at this stage is more for tasting, experiencing, learning skills etc but their main nutrition and source of food is their milk. 3 meals such as your examples is more for 9-12m. I just did an online class with the baby academy and that's their guidance. I really recommend it, it's a free 2 hour class and really informative. You can find them on Instagram or Google. Btw mine turned 7m on the 27th too! But he was 5 weeks early so his corrected age is 6m. Try cutting down the food and see how it goes! You're doing an amazing job, lots of great food! Good luck mama hope it all goes well xxx

My girl was the same as this! We cut out the afternoon bottle cause she was only have 2oz. She suddenly started only having 4oz on the 3rd bottle so we just cut the 3rd bottle out as well. So she has 3 meals and 2x9oz bottles. One in the morning and one before bed x

That amount of milk in a 24 hour period is absolutely fine. My LB will be 8 months on the 13th and has been on 3 meals a day since 6.5 months old. We do BLW but his day is roughly the same as your LB with similar meals. Ready Brek and fruit for breakfast. Bagel, eggs etc for lunch and then whatever we’re having for dinner. He is such a foodie and loves mealtimes. I was worried as he had started taking less milk than his usual 7oz. I was considering dropping lunch. I had a visit from my HV two weeks ago and she told me not to drop lunch and that his milk intake is fine as long as he was having a minimum of 16oz in 24 hours. This last 3 or 4 days he has actually increased his milk intake again and is now on 3 7oz bottles and the other one is around 5/6oz so I presume he’s going through a wee growth spurt.

I could have written this. My LO milk intake has dramatically dropped. She use to have 3 meals, lunch is usually small. So she will have porridge for breakfast, fruit for lunch then a bigger dinner like tonight she had some red pepper and then a chicken roast dinner. Before she would have about 28oz a day of milk. Now we get to about 23-24oz but it dropped to around 16-18oz for a bit. I thought maybe it was her body adjusting to the third smaller lunch time meal as we only added that in about a week ago. She’s 8 months in a few days

Thanks ladies, it’s nice to know I’m not alone! He’s now on day 3 of refusing the 7:30pm bottle too - Christ knows what’s going on!!!! X

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