my son is 4 too. he used to wake up a lot and had sleep apnea, and bed wetting. he was 90% blocked on adenoids, 75% tonsils. had the surgery 4 months ago also started reflux diet (stops eating 2h before bed time). now totally different child. no apnea , no bed wetting, sleeps through the night, wakes up happy
Overnight is hormonal. If he is regularly wetting the bed, put him in pull ups overnight. It won't derail daytime. Try calling them special bedtime underwear. Something else that may help with the bedwetting is limiting liquids before bed and introducing a "dream pee" after bedtime. A couple hours after he goes to bed, around the time you go to bed, get him out of bed and sit him on the potty to "empty the tank" one last time for the night then put him back in bed. Combination of the 2 should help.
Thank you. He is already in the pull ups and wees on them 🙈😂 will try the idea of last wee. Yeah I am bad for milk before bed but started to decrease the amount. We shall see
@Buse thanks for commenting. Can I ask- was the surgery an over night thing or day surgery? I’m anxious about tot but know it’s for the best; my partner acts like I’m just putting him into surgery for the sake of it 😂. Did you do anything special like the other comment or just wing it? We eat about 5.45 it’s just the liquid before bed after bath - that’s my fault. 🙏
@Gem ah ok. Will still support with limited liquids near the time etc and see what happens. Thanks ☺️
My daughter was wet until she was 6/7 through the night, it was put down to her being a heavy sleeper, the health visitors suggested an alarm that attached to her pants and woke she very quickly, it worked with her within a wk, but that might have been because she was older.
he had the surgery at 10am, was discharged at 4pm same day. he didn’t even notice he had surgery. he only used pain killers for the first 3 days, thats it
@Buse wow what a trooper. That makes me feel a bit more relieved and less anxious about it. Still waiting for a date at the minute
You can’t train overnight. It’s hormonal. Will happen automatically when his body is ready