The only scan I was told to have a full bladder at was 12 weeks, all other scans I’ve had an empty bladder and that’s been fine. I have had 2 extra growth scans and am due my 40 week one on Wednesday. Baby is defo big enough to not need it now x
Yep I second the other two ladies! I've had many scans and have never had a full bladder. You'll be absolutely fine now to go without drinking any water as baby is a lot bigger and visible 🥰
Don’t need a full bladder x
Not needed now baby is bigger xx I have one tomorrow same gestation and won’t have a full bladder xx
I got told you don’t need a full bladder for later scans and the reason you need it for 12 and 20 is because of baby’s size but because baby is a decent size at this point they are able to mostly see without bladder being full. X
Thanks ladies 🥰
Nope! Only 12 week one x
I’ve had regular growth scans and they always say to have a full bladder but I normally go without it being super full and it’s never been an issue. I just start drinking 30-60 minutes before but not downing or anything. I also see a consultant after and need to do a urine sample so need enough for that x