It's okay maybe they have savoury tooth which will favour them as they get older, try lots veggies 🙂
Same. She sometimes eats a few segments of orange and has now even gone off banana which she used to love.
My son loves it but hates veg - you win some you lose some . They will get there 💙
My son loves fruit but he will not eat any veg 🤣 have you tried all fruit?
Mine also isn’t that interested in fruit. She will eat a banana most days, and then a very occasional strawberry or orange but that’s it. We’ve tried so many, but she isn’t interested. She also doesn’t really eat veg unless it’s mashed up!
@Nicole yes literally everything. She absolutely loves veg though! She could eat a whole plate of any veg!
My daughter HATES it. She’ll try it and maybe lick it and then spit it out. Sometimes she’ll shout no and run away. I don’t know if anyone else can advise, I certainly can’t. I’m mainly replying so I can see if anyone else does.